Sunday, May 23, 2010

Short, but sweet?

Finally, people let me take pictures of them. Well, actually... My sister was taking pictures and I rushed downstairs to join her in on the process. I've been learning a lot of photoshop lately and goodness, there's so much you can do with it. I added a texture here for good measure... Hopefully, there's more to come as I learn to do more creative things with photoshop.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Black & White

I haven't had many opportunities lately (mainly due to time) to take too many pictures. But, I have had my camera with me when I go to church. So, most of these shots came from an outdoor service we had at GFC. 

I've also been trying to improve my ability to capture scenes in black and white. Consequently these pictures were taken specifically so I could convert them to black and white. Attention is definitely drawn to the shapes, contours, textures, and tones of the images. Enjoy!

This last shot was taken by my sister and touched up by myself. And as usual continue to stay tuned as there is definitely more to come! Hopefully, I'll be able to take some shots, in the near future, that are less impromptu and more intentional... where I can plan out lighting, poses, setting, etc. And if anybody is interesting in amassing some portraits for themselves and wouldn't mind a true novice taking their photos, leave a message below.

Monday, May 3, 2010

People & Other Stuff

I had the opportunity this past Saturday (May 1st) to attend a photography workshop entitled "The Next Level" led by Tim Park. Needless to say, it was a great learning experience. As a result, I got inspired to take some shots of people and thought I'd post some of the pictures I took. Here they are...

And here are some random shots. One taken from Pasadena City Hall and the other two from Huntington Library...

Well, hope you enjoyed. And if, by any chance, you'd like me to take some pictures of you (as I would love the opportunity to practice) or if you're just bored and wouldn't mind some guy taking pictures of you, let me know by leaving a comment. =) 

Thanks for viewing.
