Wednesday, October 6, 2010


These are a selected few shots that I took with "Diddy". Brunette and green eyes are a great combination for photos. Hopefully she makes it onto America's Next Top Model, which I hear is coming to Fresno and I can say I took a picture of someone famous. =) And apparently, her mom has contracted me to shoot their family portraits. Anyways, here are the shots. Oh and don't forget to CLICK on them to see them in their natural size.

And this last one was edited a little differently. Thought I'd try for something a little more unique and eye-catching.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Off a Hiatus!

I've been on a hiatus for quite sometime. But now that my cousin's wedding is over, I can get back to spending some of my free time shooting! Here's a little sneak peak of an aspiring model I shot today. More of her and others to come.

Saturday, August 14, 2010


Here are a few of my favorite shots of Lindsey... I've been shooting with a lot of aspiring models lately (as they are among the few willing to pose for me). If any of you friends need shots or would like to have some photos of yourself, let me know. Think of it as an opportunity to get free photos while at the same time helping a friend hone his craft. =) Anyways, here they are. And remember, click on the image to see it as I intended (larger in size).

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

My New Signature Shot!

So, I've had a number of unique opportunities to shoot models and a model/actress/musician. They were beautiful people who really made my job easy. My new signature shots are going to be like the one I did of Shane and the ones shown below. Simplicity at its best! These shots are going to be my "signature" and they're actually supposed to include the subject's signature, but since I didn't have access to either of them at the time I was editing these photos, I just put their names in text form. Anyhow, enjoy!

We also shot some location shots and so I thought I'd put one of these on here too!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Sneak Peek

Hey all. I've been swamped with stuff lately, but haven't neglected taking photos. It's just editing them that's taking a lot of time. Once I finish my papers, expect a massive picture update. But to give a tiny sneak peek into what lies ahead... here's my new "signature" shot with Shane (one of my favorites thus far).

Click on the image to see it as it should be seen (namely, larger)!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Craigslist is Cool!

So, I've been looking for people to photograph and have been indirectly/directly asking close friends of mine to pose for me. Unfortunately for me, all of my friends (and my sister) are inexplicably shy when it comes to taking pictures. Don't they understand the power of photoshop!? 

Anyhow, because I had no luck, I decided to post something on craigslist to see if anyone wanted pictures and would pose for FREE. Turns out, lotsa people do! JACKPOT! These are some shots of the first two people I had an opportunity to shoot. Forgive the haphazard "looks". I'm still in "searching" mode when it comes to defining how my photos are going to look in the future. 

Here are a few shots of Brandon. Very interesting guy. Learned quite a bit from his free spirit. He was literally spitting out so many deep things at a time that my mind couldn't keep up. Though I didn't get to use any light set-ups, it was a great experience nonetheless.

Next up. I got to shoot Yesenia. Sweet girl who's full of life. The best part of this shoot? I got to use my softbox! 

Apparently, I'm going to be shooting some more people in the few hour breaks I have during the week. Also, I'll be going to the Bahamas, on a vacation, with some close guy friends next week. So, wait for picture updates. They are a comin'!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Lighting Exercise 1

I was helping some Living Hopers take photos of their new church property (CONGRATULATIONS!). And while I was there I had some lights in my trunk and so asked Ken to pose for a picture or two. He willingly obliged. Here is one of the results. Maybe I might edit some of the other shots I took and post them too, but definitely feeling lazy. I'll be doing mini photo shoots of complete strangers in the next few days, so keep on the look out.

Here's another one of the images I took of Ken using a single gridspot. I think I'm slowly finding my "look".

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Photoshoot with Min Song Lee

I had the opportunity to take some photos with Min a little over a week ago. It was a fun day spent checking out and shooting at different locations. We stopped by the Arts District, Union Station, and Disney Concert Hall. There were so many other spots I wanted to visit so if you ever want to go shoot or would be willing to be a model... holla! Anyway, here are just a few of the many I took that day. Click on the images to see them bigger (as they should be seen).

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Short, but sweet?

Finally, people let me take pictures of them. Well, actually... My sister was taking pictures and I rushed downstairs to join her in on the process. I've been learning a lot of photoshop lately and goodness, there's so much you can do with it. I added a texture here for good measure... Hopefully, there's more to come as I learn to do more creative things with photoshop.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Black & White

I haven't had many opportunities lately (mainly due to time) to take too many pictures. But, I have had my camera with me when I go to church. So, most of these shots came from an outdoor service we had at GFC. 

I've also been trying to improve my ability to capture scenes in black and white. Consequently these pictures were taken specifically so I could convert them to black and white. Attention is definitely drawn to the shapes, contours, textures, and tones of the images. Enjoy!

This last shot was taken by my sister and touched up by myself. And as usual continue to stay tuned as there is definitely more to come! Hopefully, I'll be able to take some shots, in the near future, that are less impromptu and more intentional... where I can plan out lighting, poses, setting, etc. And if anybody is interesting in amassing some portraits for themselves and wouldn't mind a true novice taking their photos, leave a message below.

Monday, May 3, 2010

People & Other Stuff

I had the opportunity this past Saturday (May 1st) to attend a photography workshop entitled "The Next Level" led by Tim Park. Needless to say, it was a great learning experience. As a result, I got inspired to take some shots of people and thought I'd post some of the pictures I took. Here they are...

And here are some random shots. One taken from Pasadena City Hall and the other two from Huntington Library...

Well, hope you enjoyed. And if, by any chance, you'd like me to take some pictures of you (as I would love the opportunity to practice) or if you're just bored and wouldn't mind some guy taking pictures of you, let me know by leaving a comment. =) 

Thanks for viewing.

Monday, April 26, 2010

My First Post

Thanks to my sister's convincing, I will now be posting some of the pictures I take on a semi-regular basis. Perhaps, this may serve as a sort of chronicle into my own development as a person. Hopefully, I'll become more someone who's looking to capture and shed light on pockets of God's creativity and less someone who's out to simply take cool-looking pictures. Anyways, enjoy... 

Well, hope you enjoyed. I'll be updating with more in the near future (as soon as I have time to shoot again). Thanks for viewing and please be patient with me, not just as I learn how to take better pictures, but also as I learn how to take deeper ones.
